You Done This Yet???

You will have ZERO or very LIMITED success at building an online business if you haven’t answered the 3 questions I cover in this video.

These are 3 VERY simple questions, yet most people haven’t taken the time to answer them. And as a result…they are struggling.

So check out this video now and then share your thoughts below…

What are your thoughts on this? Did this lead to an “aha ha moment” for you? Leave a comment below now and let us know!

  • Matt Slawinski says:

    Hey Jonathan,
    Good video. Target market seems pretty much Marketing 101, so it is extremely important to know. Your example of target market didn’t make sense to me though. It seems like if someone Googled how to lose weight and came to your blog that you DID hit your target market. Are you talking about the confusing banner ads that would deter them away from your blog? If you want to hit your target market, it seems like your would do some paid advertising on a web page that had to do with weight loss, of course if advertising is available.

    • Jonathan Register says:

      You can get a blog post ranked for “how to lose weight,” and you HAVE reached your target market (if that’s your target market).

      BUT…if on your blog you have a random assortment of banners/blog posts about random topics (make money from home, network marketing, how to build a blog, etc), then that will confuse your target market.

      By doing that you’ll likely lose a lot of people, and they’ll leave your blog and will never come back.

      Make sense?

  • Evone Hoefler says:

    Hi….Ok are you saying that our blogs should be focused on one subject?…..This is helpful and opens up the opportunity to ask questions that I didn’t know I had… thanks

    • Jonathan Register says:

      I think I see what you’re saying, and if I understand correctly, then yes.

      You want to focus on one target market. So if you’re target market is weight loss…you don’t want to have info on your blog about basket weaving, video games, etc. (UNLESS you can relate it back to weight loss).

  • Matt slawinski says:

    Yes. Got it!

  • Evone Hoefler says:


  • sandy says:

    Hey Jonathan! GREAT tips. (I was one who asked you that very question-heeheh)

    SO it’s ok to have a few blog posts about “making money” because our businesses are MLMs, right?

    …and it’s ok to have advertisements for RELEVANT products that solve our target market’s problems…correct? as long as it’s in our niche.

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Yep! Just relate them back to whatever your niche is. Have an awesome day Sandy!

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