MLSP – This System SUCKS!


MLSP Sucks!

The MLSP system is a lead generation system that promises to generate a network marketer an endless waterfall of leads, allows you to have access to the latest and greatest marketing techniques, gives you access to a proven funnel that will help you to sponsor more reps, make more money, and will even allow you to make money EVEN when you get No’s to joining your business. Those are some pretty big claims, and I’ve gotta admit something to you.

The first time I saw all of those promises from MLSP, I was thinking, “Yea right!” Because like you, I have been burned by empty promises and systems that have claimed to be the answer to all of my problems. Desperate for a solution to my lead generation problem I DID end up taking the plunge and joining MLSP about 6 months ago.

As much as I hate to admit it, I was wrong. To my surprise, MLSP does work and gives results. It’s a crying shame that we have to put up so many walls and barriers because of the BS systems that DO NOT work.

So I’m here to tell you, it’s OK to be skeptical of MLSP and the claims it makes. Healthy skepticism is a GOOD thing and it’s not your fault that you feel that way. It’s the other scammy, sleazy marketers faults who are willing to do anything and say anything to get us to fork over our credit card numbers.

There are however several things that will make MLSP SUCK for you and will prevent you from getting results with it like I’ve had (check out this post for some of my results- my lead system pro). So stick around because I’m going to give you 5 things that will make MLSP really suck for you and will prevent you from getting RESULTS.

5 Things That Will Make MLSP SUCK For You

#1 MLSP Will Suck If…

mlsp network marketingYou expect to join MLSP and for leads to start pouring down from the heavens. MLSP is a tool, just like a hammer is a tool. The hammer doesn’t work by itself. The hammer requires that a person (YOU) pick it up, pull your arm back and start banging away at a nail. The same is true for MLSP. Many people join MLSP and they expect it be some type of magical system that will do all the work for them. That is just NOT the case. MLSP WILL allow you to generate 9, 14, 27, 86, 100+ red hot leads for your network marketing business per day if you USE it and put it to work (it requires consistent effort on your part).

#2 MLSP Will Suck If…

You don’t take the time to learn and understand attraction marketing. MLSP is based entirely on attraction marketing. That is, providing value to people FIRST, and doing things that will have people tripping over each other to find out what you’re doing and what you have to offer. There’s a pretty cheap, but incredibly valuable attraction marketing training course that’s available inside of MLSP. Once you join MLSP, I highly recommend you pick this course up if you don’t fully understand attraction marketing.

#3 MLSP Will Suck If…

You don’t take the time to go through the Start Here section inside of MLSP and to setup your funnel. I see this all the time. People will join MLSP, and they will never go through the Start Here section. They also will never setup their funnel (it can be done in a few hours or a little bit longer depending how comfortable you are with things). The Start Here section inside of MLSP literally holds you by the hand and walks you through the setup process with videos and sound on how to get everything setup. It couldn’t be EASIER then that, but people still don’t do it. Now I’m not saying you HAVE to use the funnel they provide, but at the very least, go through the Start Here section and watch the videos.

When I initially joined MLSP, I joined JUST for the valuable training they offer. The training alone is worth the cost of MLSP. Despite that, I STILL went through all of the videos inside of MLSP and I setup my funnel so that it was there for me when I was ready to start using it. I also understood the concepts behind MLSP, and I understood the massive possibilities it has.

#4 MLSP Will Suck If…

You think that you’re going to use MLSP to shove your presentation directly in front of people. MLSP is NOT designed for you to lead with your business opportunity first (but it can be done as I’ll talk about in a second). You can do that very easily by just sending someone a link to your presentation. While that does occasionally work, if you try to advertise and send people directly to your presentation you WILL go broke unless you have very deep pockets. The true power behind MLSP is that it is a funded proposal system where you are leading with valuable training and a low priced tool (MLSP and other products that WORK) to help other struggling network marketers (our perfect target market).

So these people soak in your valuable training (it’s already waiting for you to share with people inside of MLSP), they buy your tool that will help them, and out pops a RED hot, super targeted lead to get in front of your business opportunity presentation. By the way, you CAN customize MLSP to send people directly to your business opportunity presentation, but it just isn’t the most effective way to use of My Lead System Pro.

#5 MLSP Will Suck If…

best network marketing leadsYou don’t pick ONE marketing strategy inside of MLSP and FOCUS on that strategy. This is another thing that I see A LOT of people do when they join MLSP. They see all of the incredible marketing training inside of My Lead System Pro and they also see a lot of people having success with these strategies. So they either try to do it ALL at once, or they do one marketing technique for a little while, then they see a new shiny marketing technique so they drop what they are doing and jump on that. They repeat this process over and over again. When you join MLSP, do NOT do this! After you have gone through the Start Here section in it’s entirety, and you have setup your MLSP funnel, then pick ONE marketing strategy from the Marketing section.

FOCUS on that one strategy and make it work. Once you are generating 5 to 10 leads per day using that strategy, then and only then should you add another marketing strategy to your arsenal.

Do NOT Read This If You’re Content With Average Results

If you’re content with sticking around with the 95% of other network marketers who chase their friends, family, co-workers, strangers at Barnes & Noble, etc. who get little if any results, then stick with what you are doing. However, if you’re an action taker, you’re hungry for success, and you want to reach the top 5%  with myself and the others who use MLSP, then take action now. Click the link below, enter your information, and join MLSP now.

==>Yes! I Want Results. Take Me Inside Of MLSP.

Don’t think about, just do it. I’ll see YOU on the inside!

  • Richard says:

    Hello Jonathan,
    I have to say when I saw the word (SUCKS), I instantly felt the air go out of my balloon, so to speak. I was thinking, here comes the hammer again and now Ive been suckered once more.
    However, that is not the case after reading your article. You have clarified MLSP as being a tool. We all understand the need for tools to get the job done. The value of a tool can not be realized unless you use it.
    Being consistent is a huge pitfall. In the world we live in, we expect instant results. When we don’t take the time for a system to work we become agitated and start screaming, SCAM! Then, as you mention in your #5 MLSP will suck, we buy the next shiny marketing technique. And on and on the merry-go-round we go.
    I like your article. I have no doubt you have grabbed the attention of many with this article. For sure, you are doing something right as you have ranked on the first page of my search, where I typed in just the letters…MLSP.

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Thanks for the kind words Richard! Many, many people are looking for that “magic” system or tool that will give them instant results with little or no effort on their part. The magic happens when you put the tool like “MLSP” to work, you’re consistent with it, and you stick with it. Yep, I’ve been on that merry go round before and the only thing I got out of it was lost time and money.

      Thanks again for the comment and have an awesome day buddy!

  • Mike says:

    Good post on MLSP Jonathan!
    After using many different MLM marketing systems I choose MLSP as the one to go with because it develops leaders.

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Thanks buddy! I agree 100% that MLSP creates leaders!

  • Jerry says:

    Nice Article Jonathan. You spelled out exactly what it takes to make it work for you.

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Thanks Jerry!!

  • Ruthida says:

    Great article!! Know that your blog title made my heart skip a beat, till I read blog and sighed with relief because it’s not what I expected to read!!

    That was a good tactic, lol!! But great information!!


    • Jonathan Register says:

      lol…I’m a ninja! :-) Thanks for the kind words Ruthida!

  • Ruthida says:

    Sure you are! Keep it up. lol!

  • Rik says:

    Very informative article. Thanks for the info. I am brand new to the MLM business. I have watched the MLSP video and it sounds great. I am interested in promoting an awesome product & realize I will need to use the MLSP tool. The problem is…I am totally new to the social networking concept. I just signed up on facepage & I don’t even know how to use it properly yet. I don’t know how to use twitter & blogging yet. Will the MSLP teach me how to use these techniques? I have went through a lot of info (a few of your videos & the MLSP video) tonight & I can’t remember if MLSP addressed these issues. Sorry about being so long winded here.


    • Jonathan Register says:

      Welcome to the industry buddy! So it sounds like you’re looking to get leads through facebook, twitter, etc? Yes, MLSP will teach you how to do all of the social networking stuff. My biggest advice though is one word…FOCUS. Once you join MLSP, pick one of the social networks to learn and master, and just focus on it and make it work.

      Hope that helps buddy!

  • Justin says:

    What do you think of Zeek Rewards and do you think the MLSP system would work in that concept?

    • Jonathan Register says:

      I’m not too familiar with Zeek Rewards…however I can tell you that people in virtually every network marketing biz or home based business can incorporate MLSP to help generate more leads. Hope that helps buddy!

  • Alicia says:

    Thank you for such indepth information, I too am brand new to internet marketing and I am amazed at how much stuff is out there, i am trusting the universe to bring me that which is most useful, I relate very much to points 1 and 5,!!! have book marked this page will be back shortly. Kind regards Alicia

    • Jonathan Register says:

      My pleasure Alicia! I’m really glad it helped! Have an awesome weekend!

  • Andreia Silva says:

    Hi Jonathan. Just wondering, if Im not very computer literate, have no business or marketing background, live in a small under-developed European country and have no actual business of my own except the prospect of a multi level marketing job, will this be relevant if Im thinking of making extra money?
    Everyone that seems to rave on about how wonderful this system is, also seems to know quite alot about marketing and business.
    Regards Andreia

  • mohamed zakzouk says:

    hi Jonathan
    my name is mohamed
    and i am really want start IM Business
    will i get good review about MLSP
    plus i knew it is Was founded by Successful entrepreneurs ..BRIAN FANALE NORBERT ORLEWICZ ..
    and they have good Reputation
    i really enjoyed from you review about MLSP
    and i have some questions
    1_ Do I will get accesses to all the necessary tools training and software
    2_ Is covering all aspects of social marketing affiliate marketing .. .. making my own product and PPC and CPA market
    3_ I am a newbie don’t have the any prior experience in network marketing (but i am smart and really learn fast )so is MLSP right for me
    thank you man

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Thanks buddy! To answer your questions…

      1) Yes!
      2) It’s one of the most comprehensive training platforms dealing with marketing your biz online. It isn’t the end all be all, but there is plenty to keep you busy for a loooong time.
      3) Yes! They walk you through everything step by step.

      Hope that helps!

  • Gilli says:

    Hi Jonathan,
    Your advice and patiance are amazing! I’m new in the field and don’t know much about the marketing on line. Just joined a start up company that is a breakthrough in the health dep. I would like to expose this to as many people as possible! what is the best way? this product can save and change lives!
    I’ll be happy to hear your advice.
    Gilli :)

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Congrats for joining your company! I’d say to first start using the system for yourself. Dive in, get your system setup and then take massive action. From there you can start referring it to your team.

      Hope that helps Gilli!

  • J. Floyd says:

    I wanna join and start learning. your page has been greatly informative however I have one maybe two questions and would like an honest answer before joining…

    How much money (estimate) if possible will I have to invest in order to recieve the proper tools for training? will that be an one time purchase that is needed in order for me to be IN??

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Honest answer- I have no idea. :-) I don’t know how much training you will personally need. MLSP is loaded with tons of training on the inside so you can tap into that and use that first before moving onto other paid training.

      You might want to listen to this free call here –

      Mindset is critical and right now you’re focusing on the wrong things. That call will give you more insight.

  • hai hai….i am single mom of two. i am a consultant and a leader in one of mlm business. i want to enroll for the mlsp thing, but afraid that it will be another scam on the internet, you know, i live in indonesia where the value of the money is very important and if mlsp is just another scam i rather buy the money to buy milk for my sons. but then, i need knowledge to do more in the business that i am into right know, i want to do it online so i can grab more leader, sales force etc.
    is there any mentor or any affiliate here in indonesia that i can consult one on one?

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Awesome! Congrats on your success. Not sure about having someone in Indonesia. There are people all of the world who use MLSP. They do have a refund policy, so you can try it out, and if you hate it, just get your money back! :-)

  • Susan says:

    Hi Jonathan,
    I have seen MLSP around but I haven’t really looked into it until now.
    I just wanted to ask you I have been somewhat involved with Ann Sieg who just put together a program very similar to MLSP.
    Have you heard of her and what are your thoughts?

    Thanks so much!

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Yep I’ve heard of her. Never been through any of her training, but I haven’t heard any negative things about her. I’d plugin to whatever you resonate with most so you get the most out of it. Hope that kind of helps!

      • Susan says:

        Hi Jonathan,

        Thanks for getting back to me so fast! Even though I’m totally confused your input does help.

        Thanks again,


  • Jen says:

    Thanks for the great article! I’m just starting in network marketing and its like a completely different language to me right now. I’m soaking up all the advice and tools I can! I’m loving the MLSP podcasts/wake-up calls and your article has renewed my spirit too! Thanks again!

    • Jonathan Register says:

      My pleasure Jen! You can do it!

  • Peter says:

    Hi Jonathan.Your presentation video was PERFECT! I have 2 question? What is the monthly fee? When i recruit 2 persons then i do not have to pay a monthly fee? Thank you

    • Jonathan Register says:

      No problem! It’s $49 to $99 depending what membership level you choose. The $49 is perfect and all you need starting off. You still have to pay the monthly fee when you bring people in, but you’ll get monthly commissions form everyone you refer for as long as they are in MLSP.

  • Peter says:

    OK, thank you for your reply! Where can i learn more about their marketing Plan?

  • Heidi Ledbetter says:

    Hi Jonathan, I was going to sign up for the basic MLSP membership because their training is outstanding and a steal for the price. When I logged in to sign up I got swept away with all their pitches and ended up with Mastery Level Membership for 1 yr.? I’m a bit overwhelmed with sticker shock currently….I logged into my back office of MLSP and saw your post of your MLSP earnings and was very IMPRESSED! My question is how long have you been working with MLSP in training/promoting? I’m wondering how you started out your career with basic membership and learning the ropes then moving up to Mastery Level? I wonder if I should start out with basic membership and get training under my belt or is it better to jump in and the deep end??? I have very little free time I work 3 jobs….Please give me your honest opinion. Thanks Heidi

    • Jonathan Register says:

      I’ve been involved for well over a year now (maybe 2 years now? Can’t remember off the top of my head). It’s a great system with great people. My advice to you is to reach out to whoever you signed up under. You can find that out after logging in and looking in the right hand column. They should be able to help you and better direct you as far as the Mastery membership (which I think is a great thing to get involved with if you want to make a lot of molla)! :-) That’s my opinion. Hope it helps!

  • Heidi says:

    Hi Johnathon its Heidi again – curious what came of your business proposition from Michael Adamonis in your earlier post of March 27, 2012. Sounded interesting….Thanks looking forward to hearing your success…

  • Shab says:

    Hi Jonathan was wondering have you heard of numis and of tahani sharief.. What r your views? X

    • Jonathan Register says:

      No views on either.

  • Peter says:

    Hi Jonathan. I am a business coach and putting together an online product around networking/relationship building and connection which is how I have built every successful business I have been a part of. I am interested in MLSP even though I am not an MLM marketer because I want access to all the training and networking opportunities. I like coaching people that get that 9to5 is a joke and are looking for something different than a J.O.B. but who also are focused on building a business that serves the greater good not just their pocket book. Can I use MLSP to market my coaching services and to begin to build a list for my online product while making MLSP commissions?

    • Jonathan Register says:

      That’s awesome buddy! Sounds like you have some great things going on. Yes, since you’re focused on the same market, then yes MLSP would be a great way for you to build your coaching services and begin building a list for your online product while making MLSP commissions.

      Plus now that they have the Mastery membership it’s so much easier to make really good money with their products. Hope that helps buddy!

  • Richard Brasiel says:

    Hi Jonathan
    I really enjoyed this post because most people are looking for something that’s negative and this turns it around and it’s excellent good job. As I’m just starting in MLSP this is excellent material for background or foundation for what to do to attract people.

  • Cindy says:

    Hi! Can I speak to you on the phone if possible?

  • Joe says:

    Hi Jonathan
    Would mlsp work for as it’s not mlm
    But sure could use new ways to get leads?

  • Michael Murphy says:

    Thanks for your honesty
    How much does system cost?
    What is the minimum amount of time for an average person take to set up the system and get it going so I can get say 2o leads amonth

    • Jonathan Register says:

      It depends what level you come at…there’s different options. I can’t tell you how long it’ll take you to get to “X” leads. It totally depends person to person. I’d say if you can commit 30 minutes to 60 minutes as day to work on it…then you can make it work for you. Hope that helps buddy!

  • Miriam Rosales says:

    Hi Jonathan, I must admit when I clicked on the link to this article I had my hackle raised thinking it was something that would be something bashing MLSP. I have not been with MLSP for very long but I have learned enough to know that if used as taught it does work.
    However, I must also admit that I have not been using it the past week or so. I fell into a funk when I didn’t get the results I expected. But I am going at it again and again until I see the results I am looking for.

    P.S. Great article! Continued success to you.

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