MLSP Sucks!
The MLSP system is a lead generation system that promises to generate a network marketer an endless waterfall of leads, allows you to have access to the latest and greatest marketing techniques, gives you access to a proven funnel that will help you to sponsor more reps, make more money, and will even allow you to make money EVEN when you get No’s to joining your business. Those are some pretty big claims, and I’ve gotta admit something to you.
The first time I saw all of those promises from MLSP, I was thinking, “Yea right!” Because like you, I have been burned by empty promises and systems that have claimed to be the answer to all of my problems. Desperate for a solution to my lead generation problem I DID end up taking the plunge and joining MLSP about 6 months ago.
As much as I hate to admit it, I was wrong. To my surprise, MLSP does work and gives results. It’s a crying shame that we have to put up so many walls and barriers because of the BS systems that DO NOT work.
So I’m here to tell you, it’s OK to be skeptical of MLSP and the claims it makes. Healthy skepticism is a GOOD thing and it’s not your fault that you feel that way. It’s the other scammy, sleazy marketers faults who are willing to do anything and say anything to get us to fork over our credit card numbers.
There are however several things that will make MLSP SUCK for you and will prevent you from getting results with it like I’ve had (check out this post for some of my results- my lead system pro). So stick around because I’m going to give you 5 things that will make MLSP really suck for you and will prevent you from getting RESULTS.
5 Things That Will Make MLSP SUCK For You
#1 MLSP Will Suck If…
You expect to join MLSP and for leads to start pouring down from the heavens. MLSP is a tool, just like a hammer is a tool. The hammer doesn’t work by itself. The hammer requires that a person (YOU) pick it up, pull your arm back and start banging away at a nail. The same is true for MLSP. Many people join MLSP and they expect it be some type of magical system that will do all the work for them. That is just NOT the case. MLSP WILL allow you to generate 9, 14, 27, 86, 100+ red hot leads for your network marketing business per day if you USE it and put it to work (it requires consistent effort on your part).
#2 MLSP Will Suck If…
You don’t take the time to learn and understand attraction marketing. MLSP is based entirely on attraction marketing. That is, providing value to people FIRST, and doing things that will have people tripping over each other to find out what you’re doing and what you have to offer. There’s a pretty cheap, but incredibly valuable attraction marketing training course that’s available inside of MLSP. Once you join MLSP, I highly recommend you pick this course up if you don’t fully understand attraction marketing.
#3 MLSP Will Suck If…
You don’t take the time to go through the Start Here section inside of MLSP and to setup your funnel. I see this all the time. People will join MLSP, and they will never go through the Start Here section. They also will never setup their funnel (it can be done in a few hours or a little bit longer depending how comfortable you are with things). The Start Here section inside of MLSP literally holds you by the hand and walks you through the setup process with videos and sound on how to get everything setup. It couldn’t be EASIER then that, but people still don’t do it. Now I’m not saying you HAVE to use the funnel they provide, but at the very least, go through the Start Here section and watch the videos.
When I initially joined MLSP, I joined JUST for the valuable training they offer. The training alone is worth the cost of MLSP. Despite that, I STILL went through all of the videos inside of MLSP and I setup my funnel so that it was there for me when I was ready to start using it. I also understood the concepts behind MLSP, and I understood the massive possibilities it has.
#4 MLSP Will Suck If…
You think that you’re going to use MLSP to shove your presentation directly in front of people. MLSP is NOT designed for you to lead with your business opportunity first (but it can be done as I’ll talk about in a second). You can do that very easily by just sending someone a link to your presentation. While that does occasionally work, if you try to advertise and send people directly to your presentation you WILL go broke unless you have very deep pockets. The true power behind MLSP is that it is a funded proposal system where you are leading with valuable training and a low priced tool (MLSP and other products that WORK) to help other struggling network marketers (our perfect target market).
So these people soak in your valuable training (it’s already waiting for you to share with people inside of MLSP), they buy your tool that will help them, and out pops a RED hot, super targeted lead to get in front of your business opportunity presentation. By the way, you CAN customize MLSP to send people directly to your business opportunity presentation, but it just isn’t the most effective way to use of My Lead System Pro.
#5 MLSP Will Suck If…
You don’t pick ONE marketing strategy inside of MLSP and FOCUS on that strategy. This is another thing that I see A LOT of people do when they join MLSP. They see all of the incredible marketing training inside of My Lead System Pro and they also see a lot of people having success with these strategies. So they either try to do it ALL at once, or they do one marketing technique for a little while, then they see a new shiny marketing technique so they drop what they are doing and jump on that. They repeat this process over and over again. When you join MLSP, do NOT do this! After you have gone through the Start Here section in it’s entirety, and you have setup your MLSP funnel, then pick ONE marketing strategy from the Marketing section.
FOCUS on that one strategy and make it work. Once you are generating 5 to 10 leads per day using that strategy, then and only then should you add another marketing strategy to your arsenal.
Do NOT Read This If You’re Content With Average Results
If you’re content with sticking around with the 95% of other network marketers who chase their friends, family, co-workers, strangers at Barnes & Noble, etc. who get little if any results, then stick with what you are doing. However, if you’re an action taker, you’re hungry for success, and you want to reach the top 5% with myself and the others who use MLSP, then take action now. Click the link below, enter your information, and join MLSP now.
==>Yes! I Want Results. Take Me Inside Of MLSP.
Don’t think about, just do it. I’ll see YOU on the inside!