So this is an image that I want to ERASE out of my mind SO SO BADLY (kind of like what they do in Men In Black)…

Pretty gross huh??
I’m assuming by now you’ve seen all of the hoopla surrounding Miley Cyrus??
I didn’t even watch the VMA’s (I’m not a fan of the “award shows” but my wife loves watching them)….
But I logged onto Facebook yesterday and that’s ALL I saw in my news feed.
People seem to be disgusted and repulsed by her little performance.
But you know what I think?
As weird as it was…as much as I want to erase the image of her turkey butt cheeks from my mind forever…
I think it was genius on her part.
Because what’s step numero UNO in marketing?
hint: these days it’s one of the hardest things to get AND keep….
Let’s make a little game out of this shall we?
What do you think is goal #1 with your marketing (your Facebook ads, blog posts, emails, etc.)?
Leave a comment below and let me know what you think.
First person to get the answer I’m looking for will get a cool surprise valued at $97.00.
Sound cool?
Aight…GO GO GO! Leave your comment below now…
Yours In Fun,
Jonathan “yoda” Register
P.S. I upgraded to OP 2.0 about 2-3 weeks ago, and I gotta say…I absolutely love it. If you’re so sick and tired of spending hours and hours trying to put together a simple page to capture leads, then grab this now. It’s worth every penny and is one of those must have tools in my humble opinion.