Trapped (warning: explicit language)

I can remember feeling SOO trapped.

I HAD to go to my daily job.

I HAD to make the long one hour and 30 plus minute commute in bumper to bumper traffic.

I HAD to “pay my dues” and work for years and years making NOTHING until I finally made over $50k a year.

…$50k/year was a lot back then…heck, $100k/year was the ultimate dream.

It just felt like there was no other option.

It’s what everyone does right?

I was so unfulfilled.

I remember everyday towards the afternoon time would just CREEP by…

I’d stare at the time on my computer…

the Payless shoes

the Payless shoes (I can’t get rid of these for some reason)

…Wearing my monkey suit…dressed up in a button up shirt. Plaid tie. Khakis where the hem was held by staples. Tan dress shoes that I bought at Payless for $10.

Time would creep by…

…like a 95 year old lady crossing the street when the light is green.

The seconds… the minutes…the hours just sllllloowwwy going by.

And I hated every single damn moment of it.

I just wanted out.

I wanted to do ANYTHING but work for someone else.

I was SICK of taking orders.
I was SICK of letting someone else control my future.
I was SICK of building someone else’s dream.

FAST Forward….This afternoon…today…

It is about 12:45pm.

It’s 76 degrees, with a cool wind blowing in the air. The sun is shining with big gorgeous pillow like clouds in the sky.

I’m breathing heavily…struggling to catch my breath.

I had just finished chasing our 6 year old dog, Mackenzie around the hot tub. She was breathing heavily too…tail wagging…walking beside me as we head back in the house.

I then stopped…and just started thinking back to when I had a job…and the feelings I felt that I shared to you a moment ago.

And then I snapped back to the present moment…and just thought in my mind….

“Freedom is fucking awesome. It’s the ONLY way to go. And I’m NEVER EVER going back…”

I don’t know exactly where you are in your online business right now…

You may be making nothing.
You may be making a few hundred dollars a month.
You might be making a few thousand a month, or even maybe $100k+ a year.

But I just wanted to share this story to give you hope and show and prove that there are absolutely NO LIMITS on what you can do or achieve.

Because there’s NO DOUBT that if I can do this…

You can to.

And it’s my MISSION to do whatever I can to help you go wherever you want to go with your online business.

I want YOU to experience the feeling of freedom if you haven’t already.

I want US…you, our community, and me, to together achieve higher and higher levels of freedom in our businesses and lives.

Because quit bluntly…

“Freedom is fucking awesome. It’s the ONLY way to go…”

Jonathan Register

P.S. I’m not the type of person to pee pee “F bombs” all over the place. But…when I get emotional & feel passionate about something…the filter comes off.

If you can relate to what I shared at all…or if it inspired, motivated, or touched you in anyway, please Like this post, & leave a comment below so together we can help as many people as possible.



  • Jason says:

    Wow…Jonathan I can totally relate to what you shared. My situation isn’t exactly the same, but I do feel trapped right now. Hoping my online business can take off! Thanks as always.

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Jason – Don’t hope. Know that it can and will take off if you keep pushing forward. Great hearing from you buddy!

  • Leo Milanesi says:

    Man, its such horrid feeling being in that situation of not being fulfilled and free, almost would rather die if I had no choice. After a year of learning and learning I finally started making money a few hundred a month, now my page was bumped down and went to $0 a day. I need help understanding this all.

    • Jonathan Register says:

      It is. It’s so hard to describe that feeling and I know I didn’t do it justice above.

      I’m assuming you’re doing SEO Leo? Tell us more what you’re doing to build your biz.

  • Leo Milanesi says:

    Ya I agree words just cant, got pretty close though. Yup SEO, Affiliate Marketing using a free wordpress blog(I know not the best)built a few blog post backlinks and got it to spot 5 page 1 in a few weeks, it stayed there for 3 months then yesterday was bumped down to spot 10 almost page 2.

    • Jonathan Register says:

      It sounds like the WordPress blog is one of those free ones hosted at (versus on your own server)?

      We gotta get your OWN blog that you own & control.

      There could have been an algorithm shift in Google to cause the drop. If I were you, I would just keep building backlinks (with diverse anchor text) if that happened to me.

      But actually no, I’d get my own blog and build backlinks to that.

      Do you have your own site Leo?

  • Leo Milanesi says:

    Btw those shoes had me cracking up ;)

    • Jonathan Register says:

      thanks buddy! Yea they should of been thrown away a long time ago, but it’s a good reminder for me.

  • Jonathan says:

    I def feel this way sometimes.. I’m still making the same amount of money each week in my MLM that I was making years ago. You would think it would slowly increase over time but hasn’t.

    Wish I knew what else to do at this point.

    I think its a waste of time trying to play the google game getting a blog ranked. With Google making SERP changes on a monthly basis now, its a losing game trying to keep up.

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Yea it’s definitely very tiring having to roll with the constant changes in Goog!

      That’s why I prefer paid traffic now since it’s consistent, reliable, & easier to scale.

      There’s some traditionally “paid” traffic strategies out there that are “free”…I’ve keep thinking I need to do some experiements to find out which ones actually work well…

      (just thinking out loud)

  • Eugene says:

    Fighting hard to make my breakthrough! Keep doing what you’re doing. I can’t wait to thank you in person one day!

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Keep fighting and get that knock out punch! I know you can do it buddy.

      Appreciate the kind words Eugene. Look forward to meeting you in person too!

  • Karen Fanara says:

    That was a very motivating post Jonathan. That totally motivated me to keep working at my business as hard as I can! Thank you for your words of encouragement, and congratulations on becoming a Dad!!! That is so awesome!!! Looking forward to your next post. Aloha!!!

    • Jonathan Register says:

      My pleasure Karen, I’m glad it helped! Thanks for the congrats as far as me being a Dad. It’s been challenging, but soooo worth it!

      Please keep us posted on your success!

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