tired Monday look…(but lesson that will make you more money)

So I definitely have the tired Monday look in my eyes (as you can see in today’s show below)…

But I’m FIRED up. I’m SO EXCITED. I’m READY for this week. What about you?

Today’s show I give you an important lesson that will make you more money.

It’s a simple lesson. It’s SO simple. Yet most people don’t do this-

So are YOU building an email list? Give me a YES or NO below in the comments…

P.S. Click here to get a super cheap, but awesome email autoresponder…


  • Sean says:

    That is a simple thing to do, and I haven’t even thought about asking that question to my list. Thanks for that Jonathan!

    Yes I do have an email list (it is very very small).

    • Jonathan Register says:

      No problem Sean!

  • Jonathan says:

    I try and send out a weekly email to my BB list and my problem is I never get any responses. I try and ask questions and facilitate engagement on our team FB page and its like I’m talking to myself.

    So, maybe I am communicating with them in a way they don’t preferred to be contacted?

    On my next eblast I will ask this question, hopefully someone will respond this time : )

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Yea that could be it. It’s always good to know how your leads prefer to get your knowledge/training/etc from you. Keep us updated on your success with everything Jonathan!

  • Risa says:

    Well, I have a BB list but as Jonathan above I get little engagement no matter what I send them. They do open the ecards sometimes more than once, but never a response. Will have to try asking them this question.

    • Jonathan Register says:

      yea give it a try Risa! And keep it really simple. You can just send an email and ask people to reply to the email with the answer of how they prefer to get your free content from them.

  • Jonathan says:

    Ok, email sent; I asked everyone what their preferred method of contact was. I usually don’t get responses so hopefully this will improve their engagement.

  • Jonathan says:

    Holy cow! People are actually responding and letting me know how they preferred to be contacted!!!

    Thanks Jonathan, you da man!

    • Jonathan Register says:

      hey they don’t call me Yoda for nothin! I am short, but help create results! ;-) CONGRATS, and WAY TO GO for taking ACTION!

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