NEW Apple iPad Giveaway Partner Contest . . .

UPDATE: The contest is officially over! See below for the winners!

It’s time for a little competition to win some really cool prizes!

This contest is from my Gravity Formula Partners. If you have no clue what a Gravity Formula Partner is, then you can check it out and sign up here (it’s free).

The top 3 Partners who help the most number of people purchase Blogging Domination Blueprint between NOW, May 4th 2012 until 12:00am Eastern time on Saturday May 19th, 2012 will win some crazy cool prizes!*

These top 3 Partners will not only get some really valuable prizes, but they’ll also be padding their bank account earning 50% commissions per sale, with the possibly of earning up to $313 when a person goes through the entire purchase funnel. Not too shabby eh?

*I’ll tell you exactly how to win, and give you the official rules below, but check out the cool prizes that YOU can win. . .


1st Place – The NEW iPad (not the iPad 2)

And the OFFICIAL 1st place winner is…

Barbie Figueroa

Barbie Figueroa

Barbie Figueroa - 1st Place!


Congrats Barbie! Barbie is probably someone you might want to get to know! :-) Check out Barbie’s site here –


I don’t even have one of these myself, but I want one! :-) Here’s your chance to win the latest iPad. These things are freakin cool!

You can take this with you anywhere and browse the net, watch movies, listen to music, etc. etc.

Check it out here – The New iPad

  • Prize Value – $499.00
  • Minimum Sales Required To Win 1st Place – 10

2nd Place – Kindle Fire

And the OFFICIAL 2nd place winner is…

Lisa Torres

Lisa Torres

Lisa Torres - 2nd Place!


Congrats Lisa! Lisa is probably someone you might want to get to know as well! :-) Check out Lisa’s site here –



My wife just got one of these, and every time I look at her she’s playing with it! You can watch movies, watch tv shows, read books, download apps, play games, and do lots of other cools things with the Kindle Fire.

Check out the Kindle Fire here – Kindle Fire

  • Prize Value – $199.00
  • Minimum Sales Required To Win 2nd Place – 5

3rd Place – Garmin nüvi 40LM 4.3-inch Portable GPS Navigator

And the OFFICIAL 3rd place winner is…

Melissa O’Grady

Melissa O'Grady

Melissa O'Grady - 3rd Place!


Congrats Mellisa! Melissa is probably someone you might want to get to know too! :-) Check out Melissa’s site here –


Never get lost with this cool Garmin GPS navigator. This is what I have to use when my wife isn’t with me! :-)

Check out the Garmin nüvi 40LM here – Garmin nüvi 40LM

  • Prize Value – $113.00
  • Minimum Sales Required To Win 2nd Place – 3


How To Win . . .

So the big question is, how do you win these cool prizes?

1.) First, if you’re not a Gravity Formula Partner yet, then sign up here – Gravity Formula Partner

2.) Next, you’ll need to grab your Partner link. If you’re a brand new Partner, you’ll get your Partner link by email after signing up. If you’re an existing Partner, then you can login and grab your Partner link in the Partner Resource Center by clicking here.

3.) Lastly, just start promoting your Partner link! This can be easily done by…

  • Sending out an email to your Network Marketing team, or your email list
  • Posting your link on your Facebook wall, tweet it, etc. (don’t spam it on other people’s Facebook walls)
  • Creating a blog post about the course
  • Creating a YouTube video
  • Sending paid traffic to it – Facebook Pay Per Click (if you’re in my Network Marketing company DO NOT target our company or your account will be banned), YouTube pay per click, solo ads, etc.
  • Or just tell people about it and how it’s helped you

There’s an endless number of ways to promote your Partner link. I find it best (especially when I was brand new) to pick one method of promoting online, and to focus on that method and just making it work.

Lastly, absolutely NO SPAMMING ALLOWED. If I notice any fishy things going on with your account, or I get any reports of you spamming your Partner link, then you’re account will be banned (with or without notice) and you’ll forfeit any commissions earned. Just don’t do it! :-)

The Contest Rules

The contest begins May 4th 2012, and ends at 12:00am Eastern time on Saturday May 19th, 2012. The sales will be tallied and the winners will be announced during the week of May 21st, 2012.

A sale only counts toward the contest if the full price of Blogging Domination Blueprint is collected, and the amount is not refunded.

The top 3 Partners who help the most number of people purchase Blogging Domination Blueprint win (assuming the minimum sales required have been met).

1.) To qualify to win the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place prizes you must make the following minimum sales-

  • Minimum Sales Required To Win 1st Place – 10
  • Minimum Sales Required To Win 2nd Place – 5
  • Minimum Sales Required To Win 3rd Place – 3

2.) My partner program is based on ‘last touch.’ So, if someone purchases their “Blogging Domination Blueprint” the partner to be credited will be the one who’s link was last clicked on before the sale was made.

3.) You cannot sign up through your own partner link and have that count as a sale.

4.) The prizes will be awarded as cash versus the actual prizes so you can purchase the prize for yourself. The cash will be paid out via Paypal to the winners.  Here are the cash amounts that will be paid to the winners- 1st: USD $499.00, 2nd: USD $199.00, and 3rd: USD $113.00

5.) Again, no spamming, or doing anything sketchy to get traffic. If I notice that your Partner links have 10,000 clicks, but only a couple hundred leads, then I’ll probably contact you and and ask what you’re doing… because using certain types of traffic methods that deliver a ton of clicks, but hardly any leads, could jeopardize my business.


I think that’s it! So go out there and start promoting!

  • Barbie says:

    I’m totally on this and Not for The Prizes, and not even really to Win, but simply because I believe your Course should be in people’s hands cuz I honestly think it WILL TRULY Help them!

    Thanks Jonathan!!

    • Jonathan Register says:

      My pleasure Barbie! Hey, I think you’re someone to contend with and you could totally win it! :-)

  • Lisa Torres says:

    I’m all over it! I think the course is great. I know a good handful about SEO and blogging, but you did teach me quite a few golden nuggets that I did not know. Plus I got on the first page of Google within 6 minutes of implementing the course. Thanks.

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Congrats Lisa! Sounds like you’re already getting results! Looks like it’s going to be a head to head competition on who wins this! Keep up the awesome work.

  • Barbie says:

    Very excited! I just feel really awesome to be able to have helped so many people get their hands on your course. It is already helping so many people Jonathan and it’s getting rave reviews from the people who purchased from me. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this contest!

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Good! Congrats again Barbie! My pleasure…we’re helping lots of people together!

  • Lisa Torres says:

    WOW!!! Thanks Jonathan!!! It was fun helping spread the word for your awesome course! I learned so much from it and already starting to get results.

    CONGRATS to my BFF Barbie for coming in first place.

    And CONGRATS to Melissa as well.

    LADIES RULE!!! lol

    I’m excited!

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Yea I noticed that it was all ladies! What happened guys? :-) We did have one guy that was one sale away from being tied with Melissa. So he did get close.

      Congrats Lisa! You rocked it!

  • Barbie says:

    Oh Duh, btw, how do we claim the prizes.. Should we expect an email from you? Thanks!

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Yep! :-) Expect an email tomorrow.

  • Kenneth says:

    Congrats to the winners! I am glad to be a partner of your awsome course Jonathan!

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