Inappropriate Photo (DO NOT open if you get offended easily)

Seriously, some people might find this offensive, so don’t say I didn’t warn you! Click play below now to see it…


Can You Relate At All With What I Shared? Are you Being Your TRUE Authentic Self? LEAVE YOUR RANTS, RAVES, COMMENTS, or QUESTIONS below in the comments!


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  • Max says:

    It is inappropriate, but it is funny at the same time! ;-) What you said though was right on point. Truly appreciate the inspiration and help Jonathan!

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Glad I’m not the only one that feels that way! :-) My pleasure buddy!

  • Andrew says:

    WOW – I’m sooooooooo offended. Now I’m going to unsubscribe to you.

    okay – I’m back :)

    Great message Jonathan. It’s funny to watch most people that are in the IM space and see that they are all posted the same Will Smith photos on their timeline thinking that is the way to be authentic.

    But hey I get it too – At times I still watch how I say things or what I post cause I don’t want to offend people but at the same time you know your message isn’t authentic and I think people can feel that.

    So Jonathan quit being non-weird and let your weirdness comes out.

    Later weirdo!

    • Jonathan Register says:

      lol…thanks Andrew!

      I think it’s really really easy to be closed up and be like everyone else so that’s probably a few reasons why people are like that.

      Will do! :-) Going to work to be better at letting out the inner-wierdoness! ;-)

      Great comment brother!

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