Secret Productivity Hack – How To Use One Of My Favorite Free Productivity Tools For More Focus, & Just Getting More DONE..aka making more MOLLA. . .

The free tool I’m talking about is this.

Here’s how to put this free tool to work for more focus, getting more stuff done…which ultimately will lead to more of the green stuff…

By the way….sorry about my voice going out of sync with the video of me in the bottom right hand corner.

If you’re a Camtasia expert, I’d love to why the heck that happens. So just let me know in the comments below if you have any idea how to fix this, or how to prevent it.

Lastly if this helps you out, or you have questions on the tool I shared, let me know in the comments below!

Hope this helps ya! PEACE.

Another Update! :-)

I’ve got yet ANOTHER big update for you!

This will help you to generate more leads and make more $ with our system.Continue reading

[CAPS GOLD] HUGE milestone reached!

Hey, it’s Jonathan! Watch the below video now for the big BIG UPDATE!

IMPORTANT: Do not share this, it is ONLY for CAPS Gold Members![protect password=”goldupdate-blog”]


I’ll keep you updated! More coming very very soon!

Ohh, and if you didn’t see my email I sent out Monday morning/afternoon, then here’s the link to activate the new income stream –

Click here to continue…

Just click the link, login using your CAPS login info, and you’ll be taken to the video so you can activate it.



Hey, gotta a VIDEO update for you above…

Check er’ out! Something pretty exciting is coming on Monday to the CAPS system!

Make sure to let me know what’s happening with you in the comments!



[VIDEO] How To Create Kick Ass LCP’s . . .

SORRY! This video has been archived into the vault! :-(

Here’s my favorite tool for creating lead capture pages within minutes – click here >>

As a heads up they are jacking up the price of the annual subscription TOMORROW at midnight. So if you want the ability to easily create high converting lead capture pages with just a few clicks, then I recommend you jump on it before the price goes up.



[VIDEO] Passive, Automated Income That Never Stops…

SORRY! This video on how to create passive, automated income that never stops…has been archived into the private vault!




ClickAndProfitSite Ultimate Leverage Shortcut – What Is It???

What’s uppp! It’s Jonathan Register. In this blog post I want to share with you a shortcut. A shortcut that will generate you traffic, leads, AND commissions. Isn’t that sweet??? :-)

This shortcut is built into my private ClickAndProfitSite system (CAPS for short). If you’re NOT a member you might be thinking… “hey that’s cool and all, but I’m not part of the system, so I don’t know what it is, and why should I care about the system OR the shortcut?”

Well, then you’re missing out BIG TIME.

You’re missing out on an amazing opportunity to jump in EARLY on a new system that is changing lives. So, if you’re not a member yet, just hang with me. Soak in what I’m about to share with you, and I’m pretty sure by the end you’ll be frantically searching for how to join. :-)

For existing CAPS members, use this so you can learn and really get the power behind this. Also, use it as inspiration for a blog post on YOUR blog. Because this is VALUE that people will love you for sharing with them.

Ok without further ado, let me introduce you to the…ClickAndProfitSite Ultimate Leverage ShortcutContinue reading
