Alka-Seltzer, & Pissed off Swedish Guy


If you’re looking to build a REAL, LONG TERM business by focusing on helping others (while selling stuff that HELPS people)...then click here now and watch this.

  • Rob says:

    loved the title of your video! i totally agree that thinking our email list is disposable is a dumb way to think.

    that’s why you’re one of the very few newsletters that i will always stay subscribed too and always make sure i read and watch!

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Thanks for the kind words Rob!

  • I guess I feel like it is a double sided coin. On the one side you have to accept that people are going to leave your list and come to terms with the fact that it is going to happen because those people are just out there. On the other side you want to make sure you are giving enough value to build relationships so that your subscribers will continue to not buy once from you, but multiple times if not every time you sell something. I saw a webinar with someone you may be familiar with Daegan Smith :) and he showed how he had people buying his products for YEARS on end. Like over 8 of his products he had made and that one person had spent over $20,000 dollars. This is what happens when you treat people on your list like they are not disposable. Always a work in progress though. Thanks for the share and hope you feel better JR!

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Totally agree with you Brett. That is definitely going to happen. But like you said it’s all about relationships. Building deep relationships can mean so much success for your subscribers and for you! :-)

  • Caitlin says:

    Hit the nail right on the head, Jonathan!!! I’ve begun to flag so many of my in-coming e-mails as SPAM from “Gurus” because of this very reason. I feel like I’m being SOLD every single day. Every day someone wants another $100-500 for a webinar, or an e-book, or a conference call, or something – just to REPEAT the lessons that have already given for free on their websites, or already printed in their books.
    And – not going to lie, the title of your video was catchy, REAL, and honest – which is why I clicked. I’m beginning to see through all the sales-y jargon, because they all use the same language, which turns me off. If I see a “DON’T MISS THIS ONE-OF-A-KIND MESSAGE…” one more time, I may snap. LoL

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Yea those lame emails get old don’t they? I find being real, and just being me causes people to really love my emails/videos (that’s at least what I think). Awesome comment! Keep us posted on your success Caitlin!

  • Hey Jonathan. Loved this vid. Really made me feel appreciated and also wanted me to go out and make people feel like they were somebody important! I am Christian so everyone is a child of God to me, so that makes us all Princes and Princesses! AND YES I have something that could help with your cold haha. check out my site!
    Blessings to you!

    • Jonathan Register says:

      Appreciate the kind words Rachel! Feelin much better now from that pesky cold (unfortunately I passed it on to my wife). Totally agree with you! Have an incredible day!

  • Ary says:

    Hi Jonathan! I agree, we need to take a helping approach to sales especially since most savvy consumers can see right through the disposable gig. People want their problems solved. If we can’t do that, then there is no point to selling.

    • Jonathan Register says:

      You hit the “nail on the head!” It’s all about solving problems! Thanks for the comment buddy!

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