6:41AM Water Experiment & Weenies.

For South Eastern Virginia…it was cold this morning!

After I woke up this morning I made my usual commute to my office to cut on the heat (it’s a room over our garage that is separately heated/cooled).

While I was doing that I glanced over at my clock above my computer to check the temperature outside, and I was shocked to see that it was 15 degrees outside! That is SUPER cold for our area.

I then fired up my computer, and checked out a local news site. To my not-so surprise…there were local schools that were on a 2 hour delay because of the cold! :-) I thought that was pretty funny so I posed this question on my Facebook profile…

Check it out here – https://www.facebook.com/jonathanrregister/posts/10100799572237957

Read the question, and then glance through the responses. It’s pretty clear that when it comes to cold weather…

People in my area are Weenies! :-)

Oh and here’s are little video of me at 6:41 am doing the hot water in the air experiment (to watch the water vaporize into snow…just listen for the very distinct splatter :-))-

It gets a little cold, and the schools are delayed.

If we get a little sprinkle of snow and/ice the schools are cancelled for the day.

On top of that, it’s like a battle zone on the Interstate with accidents EVERYWHERE…because for some reason people in our area don’t realize that you have to drive slower, and break with less pressure and sooner, then when there is no ice and snow on the road….hmmm maybe we are weenies, and lacking in the intelligence department too! ;-)

YES, we are weenies when it comes to the cold.

What the heck does that have to do with your online business????

It’s simple…Are you acting like a weeny in your business?

When things get tough…when you hit roadblocks…when you have problems…

Do you just stop what you are doing and let that problem control your business, your income, and your future?

You’ve probably set New Year’s Resolutions for 2014. Have you already had issues sticking with your resolutions? If so…have you simply just given up on them?

If so…you’re acting like a weeny! :-)

You will NOT create true freedom in your online business by being a “weeny” and giving up when things get tough.

You have to suck it up, and find a way. There is ALWAYS a way.

Anyways…that’s the lesson for today. When you hit problem, roadblock, hardship, difficulty…WHATEVER…

Don’t be weeny. Find a way and keep moving forward.

Lastly, for the NON-WEENIES ONLY…

For the past several months now I’ve been hard at work behind the scenes working on the new & improved ClickAndProfitSite system.

This new system, IS going to change lives!!!

Right now we are in the beta phase, and we are bringing in ONLY 5 select people at a time to go through the new system.

And just in case you don’t know yet, the NEW process has EVERYTHING DONE FOR YOU!

  • I’ll be building, installing, and setting up a proven & tested money making blog by hand for you, I’ll be setting up your autoresponder, and EVERYTHING else for you!

In other words, you’ll have to do absolutely ZERO technical things…since we’ll be doing it all for you at a cost of ZERO dollars (you just have to buy GVO/Pure Leverage when you go through the process, which costs a whopping $2 to get going right now :-) ) …

And you’re literally getting my exact website that has done over $819,979.68+ in online sales, installed, built, & setup FOR YOU…and you’re getting a proven business in a box…

How awesome is that?

That’s also JUST the tip of the iceberg of what’s inside the new system. :-) There’s gonna be lots of surprises that I know you’re going to absolutely LOVE.


To be considered to be one of the first people to get access to this game changing process…

  • Ideally, you have to have **NOT** gotten GVO or Pure Leverage yet (this isn’t required, but it is preferred that you have not gotten the tools yet), and…
  • You have NOT setup a blog yet (this is required, since I’ll be personally setting up your site for you for free).

If you want to be considered to be the one of the FIRST to get into CAPS 2.0 and to have me do EVERYTHING for you, then…

=>>Click Here And Complete This Short Application Form Now.

And then be ready to move fast if you are selected to get access. You’ll have only 24 hours from being accepted to take action…otherwise you’ll lose your place and have to wait until we open up to the general public.


That’s it! Hope you have a weeny free day! :-) That’s such a funny word to say huh?

Yours In Cutting through the BS,

Jonathan “I’ve got a weenie, but I ain’t no Weenie” Register


P.S. If my wife read that she would say…”JONATHAN!!! You are so immature.” :-) And I would respond with…”hey the statement is true!”

