Category Archives for Tips

awesomeness… (video)

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THAT is why I created the free ClickAndProfitSite system. To see YOU and others create REAL results in your online businesses.Continue reading

warning…IMPERFECTION ahead…

SORRY! The video has been archived into our private vault! :-(


After watching the above video…Get your butt registered for our event happening Tuesday October 1, now by clicking here.


Questions? Comments? Leave Em’ Below! I Love Hearing From You!

Oh yea…Did You Catch The Hidden Lesson(s) In The Video? Let Me Know What You Think They Are Below!


Turkey Butt Cheeks (photo) & $97 Freebie

So this is an image that I want to ERASE out of my mind SO SO BADLY (kind of like what they do in Men In Black)…


Continue reading

Trapped (warning: explicit language)

I can remember feeling SOO trapped.

I HAD to go to my daily job.

I HAD to make the long one hour and 30 plus minute commute in bumper to bumper traffic.

I HAD to “pay my dues” and work for years and years making NOTHING until I finally made over $50k a year.

…$50k/year was a lot back then…heck, $100k/year was the ultimate dream.

It just felt like there was no other option.

It’s what everyone does right?Continue reading

this saved me $440…

If you like keeping more of your money, then you might want to check this out-Continue reading

MY WEBSITE IS DOWN! What should I do??

Since my websites were up and down all day Friday, you probably weren’t able to access this page.

This is a secret project I’ve been working on for over 60 days now, and I need to decide whether I should push forward or not.Continue reading

stop it!!!!

Here’s the free program I mentioned in the video that will FORCE you to stop wasting your precious time on sites like Facebook, YouTube, or whatever sites you waste time on-Continue reading
