“Perpetual postponement”…this is so profound & powerful and has personally hit me HARD deep in the gut. This was so timely for me, and I wanted to share it with you (I know it will have an impact on your if you listen up and get this)-Continue reading
This mistake was truly the FINAL BLOW to me losing at least $11,000/month in income over this past year.
I want you to AVOID this painful punch, so check it out now-Continue reading
Aight so we’re at mistake# 2 of 3. It’s kind of weird for me sharing these mistakes with you…because quite frankly, I don’t like to admit my past failures or flaws.
But I KNOW…by sharing these mistakes with you, if you take them to heart, your business will grow by LEAPS & BOUNDS…
…Bringing you closer and closer and closer to the life of your dreams.
So mistake #2 of 3 (this one is fatal to your business…well they actually are ALL fatal)-Continue reading
Man, events are eye opening. This one event I just got back from has made me realize I’ve been screwing up…
…Screwing up BIG TIME.
These screw ups have cost me at least $11,000 per month in lost income. And I’ve been doing these stupid things for the past YEAR (so do the math on that one).Continue reading
Do you ever have those days where you want to do ANYTHING but work on your business?
Maybe you work, you work, & you work, yet you still seem to get little to no results?
Or maybe you’re just burned out?
We ALL need a little kick and some motivation from time to time (even yours truly)! So this post is going to do exactly that.
I want to share with you a few videos that I personally watch whenever I get in a slump, or when I feel like I just need something to fire me up.
So without further ado…here’s your SHOT of motivation!Continue reading
So what the heck is the heart and soul of what we do?
Is it selling stuff?
Is it getting people to join our businesses?
Is it teaching people the new latest & greatest lead generation strategy?
What is it?Continue reading
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It allows you to create viral contests to generate huge numbers of leads very very quickly for free or dirt cheap.
You’ll see me using this in my own business. I snapped it up instantly when I saw the crazy discount. Just figured I’d share with ya’ since I lOVE gettin good deals!
Have YOU Experienced What I Shared In The Video? How Do YOU Deal With The Haters? Leave Us A Comment Below And Let Us Know!
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