Category Archives for Personal Development

Snow Day

So I’m sitting here typing this to you from my home office…

Check out our backyard (earlier this morning)….Continue reading

Thomas Edison’s secret of success

Try to imagine Thomas Edison in your mind right now.

Just try to picture him as vividly as you can…even if you’re not sure what he looks like…

Got it?Continue reading

Secret Productivity Hack – How To Use One Of My Favorite Free Productivity Tools For More Focus, & Just Getting More DONE..aka making more MOLLA. . .

The free tool I’m talking about is this.

Here’s how to put this free tool to work for more focus, getting more stuff done…which ultimately will lead to more of the green stuff…

By the way….sorry about my voice going out of sync with the video of me in the bottom right hand corner.

If you’re a Camtasia expert, I’d love to why the heck that happens. So just let me know in the comments below if you have any idea how to fix this, or how to prevent it.

Lastly if this helps you out, or you have questions on the tool I shared, let me know in the comments below!

Hope this helps ya! PEACE.

6:41AM Water Experiment & Weenies.

For South Eastern Virginia…it was cold this morning!

After I woke up this morning I made my usual commute to my office to cut on the heat (it’s a room over our garage that is separately heated/cooled).

While I was doing that I glanced over at my clock above my computer to check the temperature outside, and I was shocked to see that it was 15 degrees outside! That is SUPER cold for our area.

I then fired up my computer, and checked out a local news site. To my not-so surprise…there were local schools that were on a 2 hour delay because of the cold! :-) I thought that was pretty funny so I posed this question on my Facebook profile…Continue reading

Is It Stupid To Make New Year’s Resolutions?

It’s totally crazy…2014 is now just DAYS away.

So of course, it’s that time of year again. It’s time to solidify what you want for 2014 (if you haven’t already).

– What goals do you want to accomplish in 2014?
– What do you want your life to look like at the end of 2014?
– What do you want to change or do better at?

Those are the typical New Year Resolution questions that we ask ourselves right?

I don’t know about you, but there has definitely been times where I’ve felt like the whole “New Year’s Resolution” thing is stupid…it’s BS and a total waste of time.Continue reading

success Killer

you catch it?

Did you catch what was happening in the 3 responses I got from people in our community to this question…

“What are you looking to get from the income that an online business can create?”
Here are a few of the responses I got (but I got a many many more just like this)…

– Not live paycheck to paycheck.
– I don’t want to work the crazy long hours that I have to work now.
– I hate having to ask my boss if I can take time off.

BIG BIG shout out to Daniel Hughes (a rockstar in our community).

Because he sent me an email shortly after yesterday’s newsletter and he hit the nail on the head.Continue reading

PISSED Wife & Jobs.

Saturday…my wife was so pissed at me. I mean she was FUMING mad.

More on that in a second…Continue reading

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